Page 268 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 268

Understanding AI's Impact on Data Privacy

            from Policy to Technology

            De-Risking the Future: How AI is Reshaping Data Privacy Discourse, Policy, and Technology

            By Craig Sellars, Co-Founder and CEO, SELF

            People  are  right  to  be  excited  about  AI’s  potential  –  and  they’re  also  right  to  be  concerned.  Every
            significant technological advancement has a potential dark side, and with AI poised to leave indelible
            marks on even the most foundational aspects of how we live, work, and play, it’s fair to say that the
            technology’s risks and benefits are inextricably entwined.

            That said, it’s a waste of time to ask whether the benefits outweigh the risks. Technological innovations
            don’t  just  spontaneously  undo  themselves,  which  means  we  need  to  be  asking  what  we  can  do  to
            proactively  reduce  those  risks  while  preserving  and  enhancing  the  overall  benefits  to  society.  This
            requires a significant perspective shift spanning everyone from AI innovators and major businesses all
            the way to regulators and even individuals. Going forward, all of these groups will need to work together
            to reimagine how we think about privacy protection in an AI-driven world.

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