Page 246 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 246

The future of AI in ID verification

            The battle against AI-generated fake IDs underscores a broader challenge within the realms of identity
            verification, deepfakes, fraud, and age-restricted commerce. As AI technologies continue to evolve, so
            too do the methods employed by fraudsters.

            This is why businesses need to adopt a multi-layered approach to verification, which includes not only
            the latest AI-driven tools for immediate identification and flagging of fakes but also a commitment to
            ongoing technological innovation. By staying ahead of advancements in AI and continuously refining their
            verification processes, businesses can better safeguard against the evolving tactics of fraudsters.

            By leveraging the power of AI, tools like’s DIVE are not only able to detect anomalies and
            patterns indicative of fraudulent IDs but also to stay ahead of fraudsters by constantly updating and
            refining their verification algorithms. We must therefore adopt a forward-thinking approach and harness
            the power of technology to build a safer digital landscape for all.

            If you’d like to read the full OnlyFake case study, click here.

            About the Author

            Joshua Sheetz is Vice President of Engineering at IDScan, the ID
            Verification  service  processing  in  excess  of  35million  identity
            documents  across  the  US  every  month.  Joshua  is  a  specialist  in
            producing software systems designed to meet emerging challenges
            across  today’s  turbulent  business  landscape.  At  IDScan,  Joshua
            oversees  the  engineering  of  innovative  ID  verification  technology,
            ensuring US businesses are equipped with best in class verification
            services,  ensuring  they can  operate  safely  and  within  compliance.
            Joshua can be reached online at (
            sheetz-0329b570/) and at our company website

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