Page 243 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 243

Technical testing to identify vulnerabilities proactively in managed networks, applications, and services
            is an effective way to avoid system misconfiguration through the end of the year and beyond.

            Lost and Stolen Devices

            Your  hardware  ending  up  in  the  wrong hands  can  have  devastating  impacts  on  your  organization’s
            security. In fact, the DBIR found that 20% of breaches involved lost or stolen devices used by individuals
            to perform their jobs last year.

            Because of this, it remains critical that the workforce is aware of the importance of securing their devices,
            especially during work or personal travel. Organizations that want to take extra precautions can consider
            encrypting all portable devices, such as laptops and mobile phones, as well.

            Through encryption and proper training on device handling protocols, organizations can ensure that lost
            or stolen devices do not serve as effective vehicles for breaches.

            While we can only speculate about what next year may bring, being aware of emerging trends in cyber
            breaches can help inform the fortification of your overall cybersecurity plan and ensure your organization
            remains on the cutting edge of risk mitigation in 2024.

            About the Author

            Brandon  Agostinelli  is  a  HIPAA  Practice  Leader  with  the  FoxPointe  Solutions
            Information  Risk  Management  Division  of  The  Bonadio  Group.  He  focuses  on
            internal and external auditing of information technology and information security
            practices  and  controls.  He  provides  these  services  for  clients  across  multiple
            industries, including both public and private companies, healthcare organizations,
            tech  companies,  and  school  districts,  ensuring  that  controls  are  functioning
            properly. Brandon can be reached online at [email protected]
            and at our company website

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