Page 242 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 242

To ensure you’re properly prepared, below are the top emerging cyber threats that experts anticipate will
            pose greater risks to businesses in the year ahead.

            Human Error

            Believe it or not, nearly three quarters of all data breaches involve the element of human error, according
            to the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). From social engineering to technical
            errors, improperly trained staff are vulnerable to a number of common cybercriminal tactics.

            Particularly,  over  the  last  year,  the  number  of  professionals  that  fell  victim  to  a  new,  sophisticated
            breaching method called Pretexting increased two-fold. Pretexting is a type of social engineering method
            in which the cybercriminal creates a deceptive scenario for the purpose of increasing the success rate of
            an eventual phishing attempt to gain access to protected information and systems.

            One common method employed by Pretexters is impersonation. Criminals conduct virtual and in person
            impersonations to build a relationship with a member of the workforce and lay the groundwork for an
            eventual cyberattack. These incidents have become so popular that they now account for over 50% of
            all social engineering incidents.

            So, how do you mitigate these risks? One word: training! Emphasize regular training for your entire
            workforce on how to spot and report these attacks before they become costly security failures.


            Ransomware is a term that many are already familiar with, and that’s because it poses a consistent risk
            to organizations. Ransomware was present is about 24% of all cyberattacks and 90% of the industries
            listed it in the top three types of incidents they have experienced in the past year, according to the 2023

            Further reinforcing that it’s here to stay, ransomware remains the choice method of criminality for bad
            actors, especially those that are apart of crime groups. That same study found that 62% of all incidents
            that involved organized crime included deploying ransomware as part of the attack.

            Information System Misconfiguration

            Do you have vulnerabilities in your information systems? Now is a good time to find out, because the
            2023  DBIR  found  that  exploitable  vulnerabilities  caused  21%  of  the  error-related  breaches  last  year

            These  breaches  typically  stem  from  failures  on  behalf  of  organization  developers  and  system
            administrators, due to the sensitivity of these roles, responsibilities for maintaining systems, and access
            to information.

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