Page 236 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 236

Seconds count. When it comes to effective DDoS protection solutions make sure you understand the
            fine print. While it might be tempting to go with a cheaper DDoS solution, it’s imperative to understand if
            the solution is merely mitigating the attack, meaning you’ll still be hit, or protecting against it entirely,
            meaning attacks are blocked and it’s business as usual. It’s also best to avoid on-demand solutions,
            which can’t react fast enough to completely prevent some degree of downtime. To get the most bang for
            the  buck,  a  DDoS  protection  solution  should  offer  flexible,  automatic  DDoS  protection  at  full  edge
            bandwidth,  which  effectively shrinks  the detection-to-mitigation-to-protection  timeline  from  minutes  to

            Finance executives walk a fine line, constantly balancing the need to protect their company’s networks
            and systems against the need to balance their budgets. Ensuring that their security teams are empowered
            with the necessary resources to fend off cyberattacks makes smart business sense.

            About the Author

            Phil Richards is the Chief Financial Officer of Corero Network Security. He
            joined Corero as CFO in November 2022, bringing over 15 years of finance
            and operational expertise to the Group. He is a fellow of the Institute of
            Chartered  accountants.  Phil  joined  Corero  from  Kambi  Group  plc,  a
            Swedish-listed  premium  global  sportsbook  provider,  working  across  the
            organization  for  6  years  as  SVP  finance  to  oversee  their  growth  and
            international expansion, including moving to Philadelphia to oversee the
            setup and delivery of their US facing service. Qualifying as an accountant
            with KPMG UK, and having spent one year in the German and two years
            in  the  Swedish  respective  KPMG  organizations,  Phil  then  joined  Royal
            Dutch Shell as a financial controller where he spent two years prior to joining Kambi Group plc. Phil can
            be reached online at [email protected] and at our company website

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