Page 231 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 231

Turning Challenges into Opportunities: A Call to Action

            In response to this evolving scenario, Helms proposes a multifaceted approach to help tech companies
            ignite a conversation and drive actionable change.

               •  Highlighting the Silent Crisis: Launching bold campaigns surrounding “Innovation in Isolation”
                   spotlights the stark reality that our infrastructure lags dangerously behind while we race toward
                   the future.
               •  Stimulating  Debate  and  Discussion: Tech  companies  should  aim  to  pose  challenging
                   questions through social media, webinars, and public forums, such as “Are we building the future
                   on a crumbling foundation?” It’s time to turn controversy into a catalyst for change.
               •  Showcasing  Solutions: Companies  and  their  partners  should  demonstrate  they  are  at  the
                   forefront  of  developing and  investing  in innovative solutions  that  address  these  infrastructure
                   challenges head-on.
               •  Fostering  Collaborations: Joining  forces  with  environmental  groups,  tech  innovators,  and
                   sectors across the board demonstrates a united commitment to overcoming these hurdles.
               •  Leveraging Data and Real-World Examples: Drawing parallels between challenges faced by
                   AI, cryptocurrency, and electric vehicles make the issue understandable, relatable, and urgent.
               •  Engaging  Through  Innovative  Content: Creating  content  that  educates  and  engages
                   audiences in conversations about the future, from documentaries to interactive web experiences,
                   is crucial.
               •  Bold PR Stunts and Guerrilla Marketing: Taking the message to the streets with PR stunts and
                   guerrilla marketing tactics brings the conversation to life in vivid, unforgettable ways.

            Tech’s Role in Cybersecurity

            The conversation sparked by Sam Altman’s ambitious vision for AI’s future is a microcosm of a more
            extensive debate on the role of infrastructure in supporting the next wave of technological innovation.
            Other companies, such as Amazon, are preparing their workforce for this tech shift by investing $700
            million in  continuous  learning  and  skill  development  to  keep  pace  with  AI’s  advancement.  Helms
            emphasizes that tech companies must lead conversations and dominate negative narratives in the court
            of public opinion.

            The imperative for collaborative efforts among cybersecurity stakeholders to fortify infrastructure must
            include  people,  because  infrastructure  is  not  just  chips,  networks,  hardware,  firmware,  and
            software. “People  are  one  of  the  critical  components  in  safeguarding  the  future  of  technological
            innovation against emerging threats,” Helms says.

            This is where education plays a crucial role. For instance, the hackers who compromised MGM Resorts
            in September 2023 did so thanks to deceptive phone calls. Properly educating people in these kinds of
            tactics is vital, especially as AI becomes more sophisticated in its ability to fool humans.

            By engaging in proactive and transparent communication, tech companies can educate stakeholders
            about the evolving threat landscape and the importance of investing in robust cybersecurity measures.

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