Page 158 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 158

About the Author

            Chahak  Mittal  is  a  Certified  Information  Systems  Security  Professional
            (CISSP) and Cybersecurity Governance, Risk and Compliance Manager at
            Universal Logistics. Chahak is deeply committed to knowledge sharing and
            community engagement. She has actively contributed to the cybersecurity
            ecosystem through her roles as a Judge at Major League Hacking (MLH)
            Hackathons and a dedicated Cybersecurity Teacher in the Microsoft TEALS
            Program.   Chahak's  active  involvement  in  organizations  such  as  the
            Cybersecurity  Collaboration  Forum  and  SecureWorld's  Detroit  Advisory
            Board  has  been  instrumental  in  her  pursuit  of  staying  at  the  forefront  of
            industry trends and challenges. She has also channeled her insights into thought-provoking cybersecurity
            articles, published on SecureWorld, making a meaningful contribution to the field's intellectual discourse.
            Chahak's  commitment  to  diversity  and  inclusion  in  cybersecurity  is  unwavering.  She  has  actively
            participated in organizations like Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) and the Michigan Council of Women
            in Technology (MCWT), where she has championed the cause of gender diversity within the field. Her
            outreach efforts extend to interviews on prominent media platforms like PBS Channel and the Women in
            Technology podcast, where she has shared her insights to inspire young girls to consider cybersecurity
            as a viable and rewarding career path.

            Chahak  Mittal  can  be  reached  online  at  ([email protected])  and  at  her  LinkedIn  profile

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