Page 155 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 155

Exploring the Limitations of Traditional Scanners and the Opaque Nature of Third-Party Code

            The problem of blind spots when it comes to third-party software vulnerabilities stems from two main root
            causes: limitations of traditional vulnerability scanners and the opaque nature of third-party code.

            1. Limited Scanning Capabilities:

            Imagine a security guard tasked with patrolling a building. They have a master key that grants access to
            most  areas,  but  some  rooms  require  special  access  cards.  This  scenario  parallels  the  limitations  of
            vulnerability scanners.

               •  Credential  Dependence: Some  vulnerabilities  within  third-party  components  can  only  be
                   unearthed by accessing specific functionalities within the software. Traditional scanners might
                   lack the capability to do this without proper credentials. Think of the special access cards needed
                   for specific rooms in our analogy. Without the right credentials, the guard (scanner) can't enter
                   and assess the security of those areas (functionalities).
               •  Misconfigurations: Just like a security guard can miss a room due to a faulty keycard reader,
                   scanner misconfigurations can lead them to overlook vulnerabilities. For instance, the scanner
                   might not be programmed to scan specific ports or directories where the third-party component
                   resides. This creates a blind spot, like a malfunctioning keycard reader preventing the guard from
                   accessing a particular room.

            2. Opaque Third-Party Code:

            Unlike your own building with transparent windows, the inner workings of third-party components are like
            a black box. You can't see the code itself, making it difficult to directly scan for vulnerabilities.

            These limitations create a significant challenge. Traditional scanners might miss vulnerabilities due to
            credential needs or misconfigurations, and you can't directly scan the code itself. This leaves you relying
            on  the  vendor  to  identify  and  address  security  flaws  within  their  software,  potentially  exposing  your
            systems until a patch is available.

            A Multi-Layered Approach to Third-Party Software Vulnerability

            The challenge of tracking vulnerabilities in third-party software demands a multi-faceted solution. Here's
            how a layered approach combining automated systems and human vigilance can empower you to stay
            informed and take timely action:

            Layer 1: Leveraging Automation for Efficiency

               •  Vulnerability Databases: National resources like the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) serve
                   as a central hub for known vulnerabilities. By regularly querying these databases for specific
                   software versions you use (e.g., Cisco Firewall version X.Y.Z), you can identify potential threats.
               •  Subscription  Services: Signing  up  for  security  mailing  lists  offered  by  vendors  allows  you  to
                   receive  automated  notifications  directly  from  the  source.  Whenever  a  new  vulnerability  is
                   discovered and a patch becomes available, you'll be alerted, allowing for a quicker response.

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