Page 154 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 154

Beyond Scanners: A Multi-Layered Approach to

            Third-Party Software Vulnerability Management

            By Chahak Mittal, Cybersecurity Manager, Universal Logistics Holdings

            Modern software development thrives on efficiency. Instead of reinventing the wheel, developers often
            leverage pre-built components from external vendors. These components, like libraries or frameworks,
            offer  functionalities  that  would  be  time-consuming  to  develop  from  scratch.  This  approach  brings
            significant benefits:

               1.  Faster  Development: By  utilizing  pre-built  components,  developers  can  focus  on  core
                   functionalities and deliver applications quicker.
               2.  Reduced  Costs: Developing  everything  in-house  can  be  expensive.  Third-party  components
                   provide cost-effective solutions.
               3.  Enhanced Functionality: These components offer a vast array of features and functionalities that
                   would be difficult to build internally.

            However, this reliance on external tools introduces a hidden vulnerability: security flaws within the third-
            party components themselves. These vulnerabilities can be just as dangerous as flaws in your own code,
            potentially allowing attackers to gain access to your systems and data.

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