Page 130 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 130

Thwarting The Reconnaissance Missions of

            DDoS Attackers

            By Gary Sockrider, Director, Security Solutions, NETSCOUT

            It cannot be underestimated how skillful bad actors are getting with engineering new distributed denial-
            of-service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks now span different geographies and industries, targeting a
            diverse  array  of  businesses,  organizations,  and  individuals  around  the  globe.  What’s  even  more
            unsettling than the global proliferation of these DDoS attacks is that they now include intricate levels of
            reconnaissance by attackers.

            Attackers  in  the  past  worked  on  an  ad  hoc  basis,  targeting  disparate  industries  across  different
            geographies with a frequency that seemed to occur at random. Now, there is much more of a focus on
            attackers targeting specific industries (e.g., financial services) to probe for weak spots. In fact, bad actors
            are now monitoring networks and running reconnaissance during an attack to understand what’s working
            or not and changing tactics to avoid detection or distract their target defenses.

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