Page 125 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 125

It has been noted that Sk4yx has referred to themselves as an ex-defacer, and evidence suggests that
            they have defaced websites belonging to organizations in Brazil in the past. Additionally, Sk4yx maintains
            an account on PyPI, but there has been no activity observed from this account from an extended period.

            Based on our analysis of the chat conversations within the Discord platform, we have medium confidence
            to suggest that Sk4yx/Sk4yxx, is a developer based in either Brazil or Portugal, and is the creator of the
            Nikki Stealer. This conclusion is further supported by references to their name within the source code.

            Below is a screenshot from Sk4yx showcasing drugs they have access to.

            Translation from Portuguese to English: to muitondoido virado > I am very crazy turned

            Another member of the Nikki Stealer group, known by the alias YKG, has a YouTube channel to promote
            their activities.

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