Page 177 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 177

Automate for efficiency

            After acquiring in-depth visibility into potentially risky areas, the next step is to ensure the organization is
            prepared  to  replace  outdated  cryptographic  assets  quickly,  and  at  scale.  These  assets  include  any
            documents,  servers,  processes,  users,  and  devices  that  utilize cryptography.  Automation  can  play an
            important  role  in  responding  to  new  challenges  on  short  notice.  Individually  managing  cryptographic
            assets is error-prone, labor intensive, and time-consuming.

            For a large enterprise organization with many thousands of cryptographic assets such as certificates, it’s
            simply not practical to update crypto manually. The simplest way to ease certificate lifecycle management
            is to use PKI as a service, with an automation  manager,  which can enable  organizations  to rapidly roll
            out large numbers of certificates in just minutes, to cloud or on-premises environments.

            Test for preparedness

            Cryptographic  elements  often  extend  across  a  variety  of  applications  and  environments,  so
            interoperability testing is another important step for improving crypto-agility. Many organizations, such as
            DevOps  teams,  routinely  perform  testing  as part  of their development  cycles,  so testing  won’t  require
            major changes, but refinement of existing processes.

            When it’s time to update cryptographic  algorithms,  first check the interoperability  of your infrastructure
            and applications before migrating at scale.

            Solving for today’s challenges, and preparing for the future

            Although any strategic initiative can seem daunting, taking some steps to strengthen crypto-agility today
            can reassure  key decision-makers  that their organization  is fully prepared  for challenges that lie on the
            horizon.  According  to the  Ponemon  report,  organizations  that were  considered  high  performers  in the
            survey were more positive about their ability to achieve a safe post quantum computing future using the
            necessary  cryptographic  techniques.  With  the  right  culture,  communication,  tools,  and  technology
            partner, organizations can get on the fast track toward crypto-agility today.

            For organizations and individuals wishing to learn more about how to become quantum ready or are on
            the fence about when to start a quantum strategy, DigiCert created World Quantum Readiness Day that
            will be on September 26, 2024. The event serves to drive awareness of the implications of quantum with
            a plethora of information on what companies can do today.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          177
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