Page 174 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
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The software that analyzes video streams will be used for threats in public spaces and the systems will
            flag eight different categories  of events: abandoned objects, abnormally  heavy crowds, crowd suggest,
            presence of use of weapons, a person on the ground, fire and contravening traffic direction. With a city
            that expects to receive millions of visitors, officials and law enforcement believe that by allowing artificial
            intelligence  programs  to look  through  video  footage,  suspicious  and abnormal  behavior  will be  easily
            detected, therefore making the games a safer place for all attendees.

            Overall, with the games less than six weeks away, it is vital to be mindful of the security risks lingering
            before and during the events. Remember to play close attention to ticketing URLs and sites and stick to
            the  official  sale  and  resale  pages.  Steer  clear  of  purchasing  tickets  from  social  media  or  apps  like
            WhatsApp  or Telegram,  as the likelihood  of them being  scams is high. Beware of public Wi-Fi  access
            points  as  bad  actors  will  be  creating  open  Wi-Fi  hotspots  disguised  as legitimate  and  free  networks.
            Lastly, familiarize  yourself  with the knowledge  that the level of video surveillance  at the games will be
            record  breaking,  but  that  at  this  time,  there  is  no  facial  recognition  where  you  run  the  risk  of
            misidentification,  though location data collected could be accessed by nefarious actors.

            About the Author

            Narayana Pappu is the CEO of Zendata.   He started in Data Science  at Fannie
            Mae before the term existed.  He was tasked to build a better home price index
            than  what  was  available  in  the  market.  For  15  years  after  that  at  PayPal,
            Coinbase,  and  Doctor  on  Demand,  he  built  and  scaled  low-latency  and  high-
            volume  internal  investigation,  graph,  and  entity  resolution  tools  for  risk
            management  and  compliance.  He  also  launched  consumer/merchant  lending
            solutions  in  the  US,  UK,  and  Germany  with  over  5  billion  dollars  in  annual
            transaction  volumes  each.  And  drove  projects  around  data  monetization  with
            partnerships  between PayPal, advertising,  and payment networks; his expertise
            lies in building complex data solutions that are easy to implement, use, and generate incremental value.
            Our company website: Data Protection, Privacy Observability and AI Governance Solutions | Zendata

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          174
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