Page 175 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 175

Getting  Out  in  Front  of  Post-Quantum  Threats  with  Crypto


            By Dr. Avesta Hojjati, Vice President of Engineering at DigiCert

            Ready  or  not,  quantum  computing  technology  is  rapidly  advancing,  and  its  new  capabilities  will  be
            available  sooner  than most think.  Quantum  technology  has  the potential  to transform  applications  like
            materials sciences, drug discovery, financial transactions, and even climate change research. However,
            these revolutionary  advances are also introducing  substantial challenges to digital trust and encryption.
            Some experts have predicted that post-quantum computing technology will be powerful enough to break
            leading cryptographic security algorithms within a decade or less.

            Organizations  are taking the  potential risks  of post-quantum  computing  technology  seriously,  but their
            state of readiness remains shaky.  According to a recent Ponemon Institute Report, 41 percent said they
            believe  their  organizations  have  less than  five years  to  be ready  for the  new challenges.  Yet  only 23
            percent  of  participants  reported  having  a  security  strategy  in  place,  and  only  30  percent  said  their
            organizations are allocating budget for post-quantum readiness.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          175
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