Page 129 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 129

Harnessing the power of real-time analytics

            To secure complete business buy-in, CIOs must be able to effectively communicate the company's digital
            health to the board  in a manner that is easily comprehensible.  However,  before they can achieve this,
            CIOs require comprehensive visibility of the entire digital infrastructure.

            The  challenge  lies  in  the  fact  that  businesses  often  have  a  complex  web  of  disparate  tools,  legacy
            systems,  and a combination  of cloud and  on-premises  solutions  that  have long  hindered  the ability to
            obtain a clear view of an organisation's operational resilience.

            The  traditional  approach  to  managing  business  tech  stacks  is  outdated.  Companies  may  invest  in
            numerous  products,  but  they  often  operate  in  isolation,  failing  to  communicate  with  each  other  in  a
            meaningful  way.  It  is  crucial  to  understand  how  firewalls  relate  to  network  systems,  as  this  level  of
            intelligence, gained through continuous monitoring, is essential to a comprehensive  security strategy.

            Many regulatory compliance frameworks are incorporating the need for continuous monitoring to provide
            businesses with real-time data on their security posture. However, companies must elevate their security
            strategy  beyond  mere  regulatory  compliance;  if  they  are  investing  in  technology,  it  is  essential  to
            maximise its potential.

            Continuous  Controls  Monitoring  (CCM)  emerges  as  a  powerful  solution  to  address  this  need.  By
            seamlessly  integrating  with various  systems  and tools  across  the IT ecosystem,  CCM offers  a unified
            view of an organisation's digital health. It breaks down silos and enables real-time analytics that empower
            both the CIO and CFO to make informed decisions.

            Real-time analytics provided by these tools ensures that the information is always up-to-date and never
            obsolete.  With  real-time  analytics,  powered  by  automation,  the  interests  of  the  CFO  and  CIO  align,
            fostering a collaborative approach to cybersecurity.

            Fostering collaboration

            To optimise a company's overall strategic objectives, it is crucial for CIOs and CFOs to break down the
            silos that have traditionally separated them. By developing a deep understanding of each other's distinct
            goals and priorities, they can work together to maximise the achievement  of the organisation's  strategic
            There is a significant opportunity  for CIOs and CFOs  to forge a close partnership,  aligning  technology
            investments  with  financial  objectives,  mitigating  risks,  enhancing  decision-making  processes  and
            boosting  overall operational  efficiency.  Although  they play different  roles within the organisation,  CIOs
            and CFOs are ultimately part of the same team, working towards a common purpose.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          129
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