Page 53 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
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In 2020, SOCs Are Understaffed Yet Overconfident in

                                    Ability to Detect Cyberthreats

                       Exabeam’s ‘2020 State of the SOC Report’ offers peer-to-peer SOC comparisons

                By Steve Moore, chief security strategist, and Samantha Humphries, senior product marketing
                                                     manager, Exabeam

            Security  operations  centers  (SOCs)  are  on  the  frontlines  in  protecting  businesses  and  government
            agencies  against  cyberthreats  and  attacks.  Therefore,  whether  the  organization  has  an  in-house  or
            outsourced  SOC,  it’s  critical  to  gauge  the  effectiveness,  given  the  importance  it  plays  in  the  overall
            cybersecurity posture.

            Exabeam’s 2020 State of the SOC Report allows organizations to compare their SOCs to those of their
            peers  around  the  globe  and  determine  common  pitfalls,  priorities  and  ways  to  improve  technology,
            staffing, employee happiness and more. Highlights include:

            This  report  is  the  Exabeam’s third  annual  comprehensive  survey  of  cybersecurity  professionals who
            manage and operate SOCs. Respondents include CISOs, CIOs, frontline security analysts, and security
            managers from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, and Australia.  The report covers a wide range of
            topics including basic SOC operations, hiring and staffing, operational processes, technology and finance
            and budget.

            Key findings include that SOC leaders and analysts are confident in their ability to detect common security
            threats but do not agree on the threats. In addition, SOC leaders and frontline analysts do not agree on
            the most common threats facing the organization. SOC leaders believe that phishing and supply chain
            vulnerabilities are more important issues, while analysts see DDoS attacks and ransomware as greater

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         53
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