Page 31 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 31

Simplifying personal endpoint device protection is also imperative. Managing protection for many
                   devices, given scarce resources, demands centralized management from a single pane of glass
                   to  provide  real  time  protection  and  on-demand  remediation.  Many  SMBs  may  also  consider
                   outsourcing  their  security  needs  to  a  managed  service  provider  (MSP)  in  order  to  free  up
                   resources, but this should not take the place of employee security training.

                   Apply Privacy Protection. As users work from home, they need an extra layer of protection to stop
                   cyberattack risk – as they are no longer behind the security of your corporate network. This is
                   where the value of a virtual private network (VPN) comes into play. This important, and often
                   overlooked, layer of defense ensures that a users’ IP address is private, secure, and encrypted,
                   helping to protect your business data.

                   Serving as a digital middleman between the user and the Internet, a VPN can deter hacking and
                   unauthorized tracking which will help prevent employees from being cyberthreat targets. It works
                   like an encrypted tunnel between the user and your data, keeping away the prying eyes of threat
                   actors  looking  to  access  your  business  data  –  including  passwords,  personally  identifiable
                   information (PII), customer information, credit card numbers and more. By employing a VPN, you
                   can  limit  the  risk  of  employees  working  from  their  personal  networks  while  protecting  critical
                   business and customer information.

            Post-COVID Environment

            Eventually employees will begin returning to work onsite, but this crisis has demonstrated the benefits of
            working at home. This means that the heightened use of personal devices for business is here to stay.
            SMBs can manage this new working reality by improving employee communication on threat prevention,
            creating a strategy to more thoroughly record and protect assets, and implementing the protection of a
            VPN to keep important business data away from prying eyes.

            In  the  longer  term,  all  these  security  measures  are  going  to  be  critical  to  economic  viability.
            Cybercriminals have been exploiting COVID-19, but they will revert back to other forms of cybercrime soon
            enough and ransomware attacks, costly data breaches and business disruption will be back in the news.
            SMBs can avoid tragedy by implementing strong preventative anti-attack measures now.

            About the Author
            Akshay Bhargava is the Chief Product Officer at Malwarebytes, a leading
            provider of advanced endpoint protection and remediation solutions.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         31
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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