Page 30 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 30

Improving UYOD Security

            While all organizations face increasing risk at the endpoint, small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs)
            are particularly vulnerable to a cyberattack. How could they not be when they are operating on thinner
            margins, with limited IT staff and less financial reserves than enterprises? To minimize security risk,
            SMBs need to put these practices in place when personal devices are being used to access business

                   Embrace a Cultural Security Mindset. One of the obstacles to getting personal device security
                   under control is the mindset that someone else, usually IT, ‘owns’ the cybersecurity and data
                   protection problem. Even though 70 percent of data breaches are known to start at the endpoint,
                   this data point isn’t translating into the average employee or contractor’s consciousness.

                   No matter how strong defenses are, users can introduce threats to a company’s networks by:
                   •      Falling for phishing scams
                   •      Posting secure information on social media
                   •      Inadvertently giving away credentials

                   Employees will more enthusiastically embrace BYOD/UYOD security protocols if management
                   has effectively communicated not only the how behind day-to-day practices to prevent malware
                   or  other  attacks,  but  also  why  mitigating  risks  is  so  critical.  Acceptable  use  guidelines  might
                   •      How to detect social engineering tactics and other scams
                   •      What constitutes acceptable Internet usage
                   •      How remote workers should securely access the office network
                   •      How to properly use password management systems
                   •      How to report security incidents according to their urgency

                   To encourage employees to adopt ownership of their own device security, it’s important to note
                   smaller enterprises thrive on being more nimble. This ‘get it done now’ mentality can lead to
                   applications being put into play before being thoroughly vetted for access controls and may cause
                   a rise in “shadow IT” which may not meet organizational security standards. It can also lead to
                   ‘rogue’ assets, or personal devices being deployed without full vetting for risks.

                   The recent wholesale shift to remote working has highlighted this risk more than ever as personal
                   device use explodes. When communicating with employees, there needs to be a careful balance
                   between asking them to be more mindful of security and realizing their first goal is always to get
                   their work done. Communication and education here are essential to individual participation in
                   helping mitigate risk at the endpoint.

                   Optimize Limited Resources. With limited IT staff, and often no dedicated security staff, SMBs will
                   be looking to guard against the increased security risks from COVID-19 by executing strategic
                   security initiatives for newly remote workers and supporting long-term viability. One critical need
                   in threat defense is endpoint detection and response (EDR) software. EDR is vital to containing
                   a costly breach that could financially devastate an SMB or enterprise. EDR can help software
                   security  teams  contain,  investigate  and  respond  to  threats  that  may  have  bypassed  other
                   defenses like antivirus tools. An effective EDR solution can provide automated analysis of data to
                   identify suspicious activity, enabling IT to make a timely decision on the threat level and take quick
                   action accordingly.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         30
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