Page 118 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 118

Telemedicine will open up new threat vectors for fraud.

            Given the health concerns involved with physically visiting a doctor or hospital during COVID-19, patients
            have been urged to stay home unless symptoms are considered severe. Because of this, telemedicine
            has been the most viable resource for those seeking medical counsel during this time. Unfortunately
            there have also been over 3,000 healthcare-related breaches that have impacted more than 500 million
            medical records in the past decade, a trend that has been escalating year-over-year. Due to the high
            amount of personal information, medical records command a high value on the dark web and can be
            listed  for  up  to  $1,000  each,  10  times  more  than  the  average  credit  card  data  breach  record.
            Cybercriminals can then easily obtain this information and impersonate legitimate patients.

            This stolen information can also be used to obtain free medical or dental care. Because of this, CIOs will
            scramble to ensure procedures are in place so that doctors know their patients are who they say they are
            —and  this  is  the  domain  of the  emerging  field of  Know  Your  Patient  (KYP).  This means healthcare
            provider  organizations  need  to  adopt  identity  safeguards  similar  to  the  Know  Your  Customer  (KYC)
            regulations adopted by the financial service industry.

            About the Author
            Robert  Prigge  is  responsible  for  all  aspects  of  Jumio’s  business  and
            strategy. Specializing in security and enterprise business, he held C-level
            or  senior  management  positions  at  Infrascale,  Secure  Computing,

            McAfee, Quest Software, Sterling Commerce and IBM. Robert can be
            reached online via LinkedIn, on Twitter @rprigge and at Jumio’s website,

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         118
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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