Page 114 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 114

•  There has been an unprecedented rise in phishing scams with more than 854,000 confirmed
                   phishing and counterfeit web-pages reported in Q1 of 2020. Besides, more than 4 million pages
                   fall in the category of suspicious pages.

               •  The alarming issue is that nearly 30% of these confirmed phishing pages (approximately more
                   than a quarter of a million) pertain to COVID-19 alone.

               •  Though the first COVID-19 related phishing scam surfaced by the end of January 2020, the figure
                   for March 2020 alone is 9,116, a 667% increase over February 2020.

               •  Eighteen million malware and phishing emails and more than 240 million COVID-19-related spam
                   email messages are sent over Gmail daily.

               •  Citizens in the US have lost somewhere around $12 million to coronavirus phishing attacks. And
                   in the UK, it's over £2 million.

            Healthcare - The Most Vulnerable Industry Domain to Phishing Attacks

            COVID-19 has kept the entire world on tenterhooks. The FUD (the fear, uncertainty, and doubt) and the
            non-availability of a reliable cure or vaccine is the primary reason for the panic created in people's minds.
            Thus, when they encounter an email message seemingly originating from an influential source like the
            US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO, or other prominent health agencies, people rarely
            check their authenticity. Recently, there has been a surge of phishing emails sent by these malicious
            actors impersonating healthcare professionals and organizations, making healthcare one of the most
            vulnerable sectors in coronavirus times.

            Offer for Loans and Grants - The Most Effective COVID-19 Phishing Attack

            The pandemic has thrown the world economy in disarray. It has affected almost every segment of society.
            Under these circumstances, people eagerly look forward to Governmental aid such as EMI moratoriums,
            loans, and other giveaways. Malicious actors have been taking advantage of these situations and are
            trying to lure people to fictitious websites, where the unsuspecting users end up providing vital information
            leading to severe data breaches. These attacks are seen in the form of phishing emails, ransomware, or
            banking malware attacks.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         114
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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