Page 113 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 113

The Rise of COVID-19 Phishing Attacks: How Cyber

                 Adversaries Are Adopting Phishing to Generate New

                                                 Threat Vectors

                                           By Brad Slavin, CEO of DuoCircle LLC

            While COVID-19 has locked all people in their homes, with office premises closed, cyber adversaries
            seem to have a field day using the pandemic as a launchpad for phishing attacks. Organizations and
            individuals  must  be  aware  of  the  detective,  preventive,  and  protective  measures  to  safeguard  their
            information assets against these attacks.

             As the COVID-19 pandemic assumes global proportions, it is natural for people to become anxious.
            People naturally turn to the internet to acquire the latest information on the coronavirus related drugs,
            vaccines, etc. At the same time, social engineering attacks have been on the rise as malicious actors
            worldwide keep developing sophisticated tools and techniques to entice employees as well as individuals
            to reveal sensitive and confidential information, such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial
            data, or user account credentials. Let's dive deep into the gravity of the situation before discussing what
            the best anti-phishing solutions and techniques are that organizations and individuals can make use of.

            Some Hard Facts and Statistics on Phishing Attacks Based On COVID-19

            Researchers  reveal  that  cybercriminals  are  primarily  employing  three  ingenious  phishing  attack
            methodologies  to  target  victims.  They  are  brand  impersonation,  scamming,  and  business  email
            compromise (BEC). Here are a few spine-chilling statistics on COVID-19 phishing scams that have made
            headlines around the world.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         113
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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