Page 63 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
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Alert Logic SaaS Platform

Alert Logic is a leading Security-as-a-Service provider that •Security research: The Alert Logic Security Research team
delivers security and compliance for our customers� applications manages both custom security content for our 2,400+ customers
and datacenters wherever the datacenter is located, from on- as well as third-party feeds from leading security organizations,
premises to hosted environments and public clouds. Alert allowing for global threat visibility and an integrated view of
Logic�s Security-as-a-Service suite protects applications, security across all layers of the application stack.
networks and systems in the cloud through:
Traditional security products provide technology and some
•Native public cloud support: Our intrusion detection, content (such as signatures, correlation rules, and policies) and
vulnerability scanning, log management, and web application leave integration, management, and monitoring to the customer.
firewall solutions run natively in leading public cloud
environments, supporting key cloud capabilities such as Auto About Alert Logic
Scaling. For nearly a decade, Alert Logic has been refining its cloud-based
platform for securing and protecting infrastructure and data.
•Hybrid data center support: We secure hybrid IT environments Our experts work as an extension of your IT team, managing
by providing customers with the same security solutions across day-to-day security operations, performing research and
multiple environments – physical, virtual, private, and public analysis, and keeping your data protected and compliant —
clouds. This comprehensive data center security eliminates the 24×7. Our security operations center keeps your information
need for multiple disparate toolsets. Customers have a global safe through continuous monitoring and intelligence gathering.
view of security across all infrastructure and environments. With more than a thousand customer environments under our
watch and the addition of third-party intelligence, Alert Logic
•Managed security services: Alert Logic solutions are delivered maintains global visibility of new threats and vulnerabilities for
as a managed service focused on security and compliance which we can immediately update our solutions.
outcomes using proactive intelligence. Analysts in the Alert
Logic Security Operations Center monitor our customer�s �The Hot Company in Cloud Security for 2014 � - CDM
environments 24x7 and respond to alerts that are analyzed and
correlated within our proprietary security intelligence platform.

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