Page 61 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 61

LYNXeon security platform

LYNXeon from 21CT is not a traditional SIEM, but it�s the organization and before the end of the day provide security
reasons that make it different, that make it such a strong teams with:
contender for the �Most Innovative� in the SIEM category. And
our customers agree. ● Unprecedented observability into malicious behavior within
the network and inter-relatedness of events
According to customer Josh Sokol, Information Security ● Dramatic reduction of business-critical time-to-detection
Program Owner, National Instruments, �LYNXeon is a flexible and time-to-mitigation from days and months to a matter
platform that can allow you to consume data from many of minutes
different security tools and then visualize and correlate them in ● Ability to identify never before seen malicious behavior and
one place. Kinda like a SIEM, but actually useful.� build predictive models to detect these attack patterns in the
Each day security analysts need to contend with huge volumes ● Deep visualization of network data combined with graph
of information as they struggle to fend off attacks--data that is pattern matching analytics to directly pinpoint attacks,
more information than intelligence. LYNXeon was built by breaches, and vulnerabilities
security analysts for security analytics, and empowers them to
take over where traditional perimeter security and log LYNXeon offers a complete picture and provides the best
management solutions stop. The solution fuses together opportunity to hunt down those clues that are the evidence of
disparate network data and automatically discovers the linked an ongoing attack or embedded perpetrator. That is why our
relationships between events, laying it out on an intuitive visual solutions are in place at Fortune 1000 enterprises, the
canvas for the analyst to conduct their investigation. Department of Defense, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force,
LYNXeon�s graph database provides ultimate analytic U.S. Marines, and the Department of Homeland Security.
performance, enabling analysts to conduct faster root cause
analysis of events and search for suspicious and malicious traffic �The Best SIEM Product for 2014 � - CDM
patterns over larger sets of historical data.
Built from the ground up as a standardized data analytics and
visualization product, LYNXeon can be deployed at any

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