Page 62 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 62


Cloud hosted virtual desktops and VDI are poised to grow sensitive data whether that be cyber attackers, cloud
dramatically but security concerns remain a key inhibitor. administrators or cyber surveillance risks.
Recent events demonstrate that existing security solutions fail
to protect against Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), insider As a unique benefit to customers, CypherX is completely
data theft or cloud administrator attacks. transparent to the end-user with encryption and decryption
taking place automatically based on the set security policies. By
AFORE�s CypherX™ secures cloud hosted applications and having set defined circumstances in which data is allowed,
virtual desktops addressing these problems with a simple yet including when access can be permitted and when it needs to
powerful concept: encrypt all data at the application level and stay encrypted, end-users have the freedom to work on any
tightly control which users, applications and virtual machines device, at any location and on any network. CypherX can be
can access the data; even if the perimeter is breached or data is deployed across a hybrid cloud architecture that spans
copied the data remains encrypted, keeping it secure and geography, service provider and cloud technology platform
protected. while managing data encryption from a single security
management plane. CypherX allows for a quick and easy
CypherX is the first solution to seamlessly and efficiently secure deployment without any dedicated hardware and provides a
each application and its data, providing the highest levels of simple security policy management interface. Data access
granular and persistent data protection, regardless of where the forensics and tamper proof audit logs detail who and what
data resides or where it goes. CypherX does this by creating a accessed protected data, when and from where.
secure virtual container around one or more applications and
encrypting all data deep within the Microsoft OS protecting all CypherX is the proactive security solution that organizations
network, storage and inter-process communications. CypherX need to confidently embrace cloud hosted applications and
affords organizations complete and sole control over the keys virtual desktops with the assurance their data will remain secured.
and leverages leading key management solutions, such as
Microsoft AD and RSA DPM to encrypt sensitive data in private, �The Hot Company in Application Security for 2014� -
hybrid and multi-tenant public clouds. Per-tenant encryption CDM
key control protects against unauthorized third party access to

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