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The  International  Organization  for  Standardization  (ISO)  is  a  multinational  federation  of  standards
            organizations from 168 countries around the world. They serve as a forum for members to collaborate in
            the development  and promotion  of worldwide  standards  for  technology,  scientific  testing,  and  working
            conditions.  These  approved  standards  are  then  sold  by  the  ISO  to  global  accrediting  organizations,
            issuing  certifications  to businesses  and institutions  that apply for them and  then ensuring they  comply
            with these standards.

            Currently,  ISO 27001 is the industry’s leading  standard  for information  security  management  systems.
            Today,  some  of  the  world’s  largest  technology  companies  have  ISO  27001  certification,  including
            Microsoft, Verizon, Apple, Google, Intel, and Amazon. But it’s not just for the larger, global conglomerates.
            ISO  27001  can  provide  companies  of  any  size  with  guidance  for  establishing,  implementing,  and
            maintaining their systems to manage risks related to the security of the company’s data.

            Additionally, ISO 27001 promotes a holistic approach to information security by vetting people, policies,
            and  technology.  When  an  information  security  management  system  is  implemented  according  to this
            standard, it becomes an essential tool for risk management, cyber-resilience, and operational excellence.
            According to the ISO, implementation  of their 27001 standard helps organizations in multiple ways by:

               •  Reducing vulnerability  to the growing threat of cyberattacks,  and helping companies respond to
                   evolving security risks
               •  Ensuring assets such as financial statements, intellectual property, and employee data entrusted
                   to third parties remain undamaged, confidential, and available
               •  Providing  a  centrally-managed  framework  that  secures  all  information  in  one  place,  including
                   paper-based, cloud-based, and digital data
               •  Preparing  people,  processes,  and  technology  throughout  an  organization  to  face  technology-
                   based risks and other threats
               •  Saving  money  by  increasing  efficiency  and  reducing  expenses  for  ineffective  cyberdefense

            The  ISO  standard  also  benefits  companies  by  signaling  to  potential  customers  that  they  take
            cybersecurity  seriously. Certification demonstrates  that a vendor is committed to constantly investing in
            the infrastructure, staff, and policies needed to ensure that their customers’ data remains safe and secure.
            This is especially important for businesses that provide IT or technology services to other organizations
            like  MSPs,  SaaS  vendors,  or  cloud  hosting  organizations.  Also,  clients  working  in  extra  sensitive
            industries  like healthcare  and defense  are often required  by law to work with IT vendors  who maintain
            ISO  27001  certification  for  compliance  reasons.  That  means  certification  can  bolster  a  company’s
            reputation in these sectors while opening them up to new customers and markets.

            Miradore,  the  mobile  device  management  company  I  work  for,  recently  received  its  own  ISO  27001
            certification.  Initially,  we  did  this  to  show  our  commitment  to  strong  cybersecurity  practices  and
            demonstrate  our commitment  to protecting  our customers. But we had also heard  from many potential
            customers that they wanted to work with us but needed an ISO 27001–certified  vendor. Now, by having
            this certification, we can bring in new business while ensuring that all of our customers are protected by
            the industry’s leading data security practices.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – August 2023 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                               112
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