Page 117 - Cyber Defense eMagazine August 2023
P. 117

Steps for Preparing for a Quantum-Resistant

            Cryptographic Future

            By Timothy Hollebeek, Industry Technology Strategist, DigiCert

            The rise of post-quantum  cryptography (PQC) is shedding light on the pervasive nature of cryptography
            in our digital world. Virtually every digital connection  relies on cryptographic  techniques and public key
            infrastructures  (PKIs) to establish trust. However, the emergence of cryptographically  relevant quantum
            computers  (CRQCs)  poses  a threat  to traditional  asymmetric  algorithms  such  as RSA  and ECC.  The
            solution lies in post-quantum cryptography, which encompasses cryptographic algorithms designed to be
            resistant to quantum computer attacks.

            While CRQCs  need to be more powerful and larger  than currently available  quantum  computers,  their
            development is progressing, and organizations must prepare for the eventual transition to post-quantum
            algorithms.  This transition  poses  a significant  challenge,  necessitating  a complex  upgrade  of  the vast
            digital infrastructure  built over the past few decades. Although  organizations  have  some time to adapt,
            they need to initiate the process of understanding the implications of this transition.

            In the United States, federal agencies have been instructed by the Office of the National Cyber Director
            (ONCD)  to  inventory  their  cryptographic  systems  in  preparation  for  the  shift  to  quantum-resistant
            cryptography. The guidelines, outlined in the White House's National Security Memorandum 10, required
            agencies  to  submit  their  prioritized  inventories  of  cryptographic  systems  by  May  4,  2023.  However,
            meeting  this  deadline  has  proven  to  be challenging  for  some  agencies.  The  complexity  of identifying
            cryptographic  systems  is  not  limited  to  federal  agencies  alone;  it  applies  to  organizations  across  all

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – August 2023 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                               117
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