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your company�s security requirements into the appropriate Building capture appliances for security or compliance is
set of deep packet inspection scripts. Finally, you�ll have not for the faint of heart. They can generate gargantuan
this output to an analysis tool that adds a temporal element storage volumes, and lossless capture is still more art then
to detection. For example deep packet inspection would science. Towards that end, Solarflare developed Capture
detect and alert you that an employee in the IT department SolarSystem, a soft appliance tuned to provide lossless
has just downloaded a movie your company recently persistent capture at very high packet rates. Whether you
finished, but an analysis tool would inform you that this is build, or buy, you need to do something now, before your
the fifth movie they�ve downloaded in the past two days company is the next one in the news. If you�re unsure of
(provided this is something you�re looking for). what to do next then please contact Solarflare, and we�ll
help you get a simple proof of concept setup.
Suppose your POS systems were compromised, or
About The Author
someone on your engineering team downloaded an
infected AutoCAD template, as those systems started
Scott Schweitzer is the Sales Manager of OEM, Federal, and
shipping data outside your network you could be instantly
Southeast for Solarflare. He is technology entrepreneur with
alerted to the problem.
a strong background in both hardware and software,
combined with a unique talent for solution-based sales. Scott
While you were responding to the problem your analysis
joined Solarflare in August 2013 to manage the relationship
tool could be summarizing your total exposure (how many
with IBM – while driving 10GbE sales into the federal sector,
transactions, and which engineering diagrams were stolen).
and the southeast. Prior to that he spent eight years leading
Buying A Real Time Threat Visibility System Myricom�s 10GbE sales team. Scott can be reached online
Building the above is technically challenging, time at ([email protected], @40gbe) and through his
consuming, and capital intense. Companies like Reservoir company�s website
Labs have already gone through the effort for organizations
like the US Department of Energy, and have distilled the
resulting work down into a line of ready-to-deploy security
appliances. Interestingly, Reservoir seems to have “You may be a security
established a balance between creating R-Scope as a
hardened appliance, adding scalability and manageability, expert, but do you
while maintaining access to the power of custom scripting really have the
for unique enterprise needs. In November at SC14
Reservoir Labs used all the above techniques, to monitor resources, and time to
SCinet, the conferences own internal network, and
immediately detected several threats that SCinet quickly design, build, test,
shut down. deploy, and support
You may be a security expert, but do you really have the your own security
resources, and time to design, build, test, deploy, and cluster?”
support your own security cluster� I encourage you to
consider applying your resources to your unique security
needs and leverage best of breed solutions in the market.