Page 71 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 71

•  Security Automation is the Way to Go
            Investing in the right kind of tools and expertise can go a long way in securing your organization from
            coming-of-age  attacks.  A  powerful  threat  protection  solution,  Security  Information  and  Event
            Management (SIEM), will not only help you employ the best-of-breed security expertise and market-
            winning security intel and tool, but will also help you deploy the right layers of security. It will also help
            you abide by the various security compliances thus, strengthening your organization’s security posture
            in the long run and most importantly, saving you from any kind of legal tussle.


            Every other day, there’s a new headline about some organization falling prey to a cyberattack or breach
            only to repent later. In most cases, the attack was not even detected for almost a year causing severe
            damage and data compromise. This is why it is advisable for CEOs to think like cyber investigators.
            Scrutinize the attacks that are in the news. Ask yourself what if my organization falls victim to such an
            attack? Adjust your priorities, strategies and educate your employees.

            Don’t take the bait! Be cyber smart!

            The Future is Digital, The Future is Now!

            About the Author

            Sheetal Pansare is the President & Global CEO at Futurism Technologies
            based  in  the  United  States and  has  been  an  ardent  evangelist  of  Digital
            Transformation (DX). Having been in the tech industry for over two decades
            transforming businesses worldwide delivering digital delight, he believes that
            now is the right time to reimagine how we see,  perceive, and secure our
            digital world.

            Sheetal P can be reached online at LinkedIn and at our company website

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