Page 76 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
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and commerce. As a result, it is a risky industry with wide tails and uneven rewards. In this situation, the
            winner takes it all. VCs are always seeking 100x prospects, which carry extremely high risks. They keep
            investing in blockchain and cryptocurrency firms because they are aware that the rewards will eventually
            outweigh the dangers.

            Simultaneously, the venture capital sector might be drastically altered by blockchain technology in a
            variety of ways. For starters, it could be simpler for entrepreneurs to raise capital without using the
            conventional VC procedure. The amount of money VCs spend in businesses and the fees they charge
            may decline as a result of this.

            In this blog, we will discuss what is drawing the attention of VC firms toward blockchain technology, how
            large-scale flocking of the VC firms will take place in the third quarter of 2022 towards blockchain start-
            ups, and why the VC firms supporting these crypto companies.

            Benefits  of  venture  capital  funding  for  blockchain  firms  Several  venture  capital  firms  are  continually
            investing in blockchain businesses since they see great promise in the field. As a result, VC companies
            are forging strategic partnerships with blockchain entrepreneurs and investing in the market to make
            money. In turn, this has made this an advantageous sector for venture capital companies due to the
            excitement around blockchain technology and the growing usage of cryptocurrencies.

            There is now a high potential for growth and increasing demand for investments in blockchain firms. As
            a result, blockchain venture capital companies are making investments in the sector to make money.
            Several factors make the sector profitable for investors, including the ones listed below:

               •  The potential for blockchain to expand is enormous. For instance, in 2013, Coinbase received
                   $20 million from renowned VC firm Andreessen Horowitz. The same is currently valued at $12B
                   in 2023. Investors are seeking growth prospects like this. This demonstrates that the sector is
                   rapidly expanding and has a lot of room for growth.
               •  The advent of blockchain technology has changed the internet as people know it, and Web3 is
                   the wave of the future. Several firms are now using blockchain to create decentralized apps. This
                   future is getting closer because of the industry's development and expansion. Venture capital
                   firms have invested in this technology due to the industry buzz.
               •  Blockchain investment is a desirable investment choice due to its flexibility. Blockchain venture
                   capital financing is particularly attractive since a crucial component of the fundraising process
                   involves the exchange of NFT tokens rather than shares. Venture investors thus perceive the

                   blockchain business as having possibilities for investment.

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