Page 70 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 70

•  Cyber Awareness isn’t just a One-Time Activity!
            Your employees are the ones that attackers target, manipulate and social engineer to coerce into your
            databases or systems. The single and most important factor in cybersecurity is the human factor. Yes!
            Even the most advanced security mechanism cannot protect your company if your employees fall for
            social  engineering  attack  tactics.  Educate  your  employees  about  the  various  types  of  attack  tactics
            including or spear-phishing attacks, callback phishing attacks and new strands of Ransomware. Cyber
            awareness training needs to be a continuous process.

               •  Have Complete Visibility of your IT Environment
            You simply can’t protect an attack if you don’t know that there exists a threat. Create an up-to-date list of
            your physical as well as digital assets. This is the key towards achieving end-to-end security. Understand
            the various types of threats and work with your IT/Security people in creating and deploying a solid
            incident response mechanism along with a disaster recovery plan.

                                                        Source: IBM

               •  Communication is the Key
            Make sure to bridge any communication gap between you and your IT/Security team. For instance, many
            small organizations such as rural or community hospitals often lack the required expertise and tools to
            dodge cyber threats. It is imperative for CEOs of such organizations to establish strong communication
            with their IT/Security teams to understand their vulnerabilities and improve their security posture.

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