Page 198 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 198

Travel Technologies are Transforming the Travel Experience in Significant Ways

            Technology has a crucial role in the hospitality sector, allowing businesses to streamline operations,
            improve customer service, and increase efficiency. Technology can help hotels and restaurants increase
            revenue, and improve customer satisfaction. It can also help them better manage their resources and
            provide a better overall experience.
            AI  solutions  that  use  machine  learning  also  offer  insights  into  customer  behavior,  interests,  and
            preferences about travel destinations, accommodations, extras, airlines, car rental agencies, costs, and
            other factors.
            Chatbots are used to provide 24/7 customer support and interactions. Furthermore, these can also assist
            in making bookings, processing payments, and generating conversation as a travel companion.

            For instance, hotels that use IoT enable their visitors to use their cell phones to operate various internet-
            enabled items in their rooms. They have access to control TVs, thermostats, lighting, and more.

            Growing Concerns Over Cyber Security: Demanding Wise use of Travel Tech.

            According  to  a  survey  exploring  digital  economy  footprints,  the  online  travel  booking  segment  is
            anticipated to grow and surpass 823.59 million users by end of 2023. There is no doubt that travel
            technologies have made bookings faster, easier, and more efficient. Furthermore, with AI and VR one
            can stay connected even while traveling. However, this ease can cost you the loss of privacy and is often
            challenged by cyber threats.

            AI is raising cyber concerns in the travel sector by introducing new vulnerabilities that can be exploited
            by malicious actors. AI-powered systems are increasingly being used to automate processes such as
            customer service, ticketing, and baggage tracking. However, these systems are vulnerable to attack and
            manipulation, which can lead to data breaches, identity theft, and other malicious activities.

            Additionally, AI systems can be used to launch sophisticated phishing campaigns and other cyberattacks.
            Finally, AI-powered systems can be used to manipulate the pricing and availability of travel services,
            leading to unfair practices and consumer exploitation.

            The Top Cyber Security Concerns Related to Travel Technologies

               •  Data Breaches: Travel companies store a large amount of sensitive customer data, including
                   credit card numbers, passport information, and other personal details. This data is vulnerable to
                   cyber-attacks and data breaches, which can lead to identity theft and financial losses.
               •  Phishing Attacks: Travel companies are often targeted by phishing attacks, which are attempts to
                   steal personal information by sending malicious emails or links.
               •  Malware: Malware is malicious software that can be used to gain access to a company’s systems
                   and data. Travel companies are particularly vulnerable to malware attacks, as they often have
                   multiple systems and networks that are connected to the internet.

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