Page 203 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 203

Is ChatGPT Ready to Disrupt Cybersecurity?

              By Anurag Gurtu, Co-Founder & CPO of StrikeReady

            We’ve seen so many advancements in artificial intelligence within just a few years. ChatGPT is definitely
            one of the most recent ones - and a name that has been on the minds of many people. It’s essentially a
            chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to have a “conversation” with you. ChatGPT is one of the most
            advanced options of its kind and boasts over 100 million users already. If you’ve tried ChatGPT yourself,
            then you already know just how powerful this tool is, but did you know that it could hold the potential to
            disrupt the cybersecurity industry?

            Data Analysis And Predictive Functionality of AI

            In just a decade, the number of data breaches that happen in the US increased significantly. About 662
            breaches happened every day in 2010. And by 2021, companies in the US recorded over 1000 of these
            breaches on a daily basis. When your company is affected by a breach, it can take a long time to recover
            and contain it. In fact, the average time it takes to contain these data breaches is about 80 days.

            This is an important area where ChatGPT and similar technologies can be useful. The problem with these
            breaches is the fact that there is usually a significant amount of data that cybersecurity experts and other

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