Page 184 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 184

How Candidates Apply for A New Role

            Cyber security professionals apply for roles in a mixture of ways with applying on a company website
            being the most popular channel with 54% of the candidates, is an unexpected for this to be the most
            popular when it was only 31% last year. However, the reason for this could be those applying directly to
            the company may be competing against a smaller pool of applicants, which will naturally decrease the
            competition. Also this helps delivers the applicants credentials to employers in their preferred format, as
            opposed  to  the  one  utilised  by  an  external  job  site.  Some  organisations  also  provide  more  detailed
            information about job openings on their website, compared to the descriptions on job listing sites.

            Using a recruitment Consultancy comes second, 53% of candidates reported finding un-advertised Cyber
            Security roles where hiring organisations have chosen to be more discreet. Candidates also preferred
            not having to negotiate salary package with potential employers, this part of the process made many
            applicants feel uncomfortable. Other ways of applying for a new role include using their own personal
            networks (42%), LinkedIn (35%) and job boards (11%).

            44% of candidates surveyed checked company reviews before applying for a role, in particular Glassdoor.
            Cyber  security  professionals  pay  close  attention  to  the  ratings  and  reviews  which  can  significantly
            influence whether they choose to move forward with the application process. On average candidates
            spend 21 minutes to complete each application.

            What Candidates Want from An Organisation

            When a candidate has applied for a role on average, they would expect a reply either within three working
            days (41%) or up to a week (39%) mentioning if they have been successful to the next stage or not.

            If a candidate is successful to the next stage interviews, they are happy to incorporate phone and online
            interviews with the final stage to be in person interviews (16%). However, most candidates (41%) are
            only wanting to participate with online interviews due to technology allowing us to do so. After each
            interview stage it is important for candidates to receive detailed feedback with 42% of candidates strongly
            agreeing  and  42%  agreeing.  This  is  an  incredibly  important  statistic  as  the  importance  of  employer
            branding and candidate experience is hugely important in today’s employment market. The ideal number
            of interview stages is seen to be three to four depending on the seniority of the role, this is to avoid
            interview fatigue for both employers and candidates.

            What candidates want within the role

            We asked 1020 cyber security professionals if they had to rank the most important thing, they look for in
            a new role the sequence is as followed:

               1.  Salary/day rate
               2.  Career progression
               3.  Employee Benefits
               4.  Workplace Culture/Environment

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