Page 183 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 183

out an industry survey from 22nd November 2022 – 5th December 2022, asking 1020 candidates their
            thoughts when applying for a new role.

            Torquil Macleod, Founder and Director of Via Resource comments:

            “We are incredibly grateful to all the candidates who took the time to complete our survey as we look to
            understand how the market has changed. The feedback gathered will help us to improve candidate
            experience  and  help  inform  our  clients.  We  want  to  ensure  candidates  receive  the  best  experience
            possible with quality support, advice and guidance from Via Resource to find their perfect role.”

            Audience of the survey

            Out of the 1020 professionals surveyed, 171 (16.8%) respondents were from the UK and 849 (83.2%)
            respondents were from the US. With the top three areas working in:

               1.  Security Engineering & Architecture (35%)
               2.  Governance, Risk & Compliance (27%)
               3.  Network Security (21%)

            The top three seniority of within their organisation follows:

               1.  Manager, 8 years + (32%)
               2.  Senior, 5 – 8 years (25%)
               3.  Associate, 2 – 4 years (18%)

            Changes within the market

            Cyber security jobs are in high demand with 78% respondents believe there will be in increase in roles.
            However, 88% believe there is a cyber security skills gap, where a recent report Cyber Security in Focus,
            features  responses  from  cyber  security  directors,  security  operations  directors  and  VPs  of  product
            security  in  EMEA  and  North  America.  Where  87%  of  respondents  admitted  they  are  suffering  skills
            shortages, with over a third (35%) claiming positions were left unfilled after a 12-week period. 60% of
            organisations  also  admitted  they  have  been  struggling  with  finding  cyber  security  talent,  and  52%
            reported difficulties with retaining employees. Meanwhile, seven out of 10 leaders worldwide say hiring
            women and new graduates are among their top three challenges.

            Three areas identified by respondents to reduce the skills gap include:

               1.  Attract talent (31.7%)
               2.  Train and apply employee skills (28.9%)
               3.  Encourage employees innovative thinking and practical ability (25.3%)

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