Page 146 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 146

Reduce  Healthcare  Insider  Threats  with

             Identity and Access Management

             By Zac Amos, Features Editor of ReHack

            Identity  and  access  management  (IAM)  refers  to  the  policies,  procedures  and  technologies  used  to
            manage and control access to digital resources and systems. IAM plays a crucial role in cybersecurity,
            particularly in mitigating insider threats. Insider threats occur when employees, contractors or third-party
            vendors with authorized access to sensitive systems and data intentionally or unintentionally misuse their
            privileges, resulting in security breaches, data loss or theft.

            Health care organizations are particularly vulnerable to insider threats due to the sensitive nature of the
            data they handle, including medical records, personal information and financial data. Learn how to protect
            such critical information with identity and access management.

            Understanding Identity and Access Management

            IAM is a comprehensive framework that ensures users and entities can access the resources they need
            to perform their jobs effectively while preventing unauthorized access. It involves managing the digital

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