Page 142 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 142

Ransomware Takes No Prisoners

             By Monica Oravcova, COO and Co-Founder of Naoris Protocol

            The recent Killnet cyberattack that disrupted contact between NATO and military aircraft providing aid to
            victims of the Turkish-Syrian earthquake, is a clear indication that cybercriminals do not discriminate.
            Anyone, any company and any organisation is a target.

            While ransomware was not indicated, the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack briefly shut down
            the website of NATO Special Operations Headquarters and  disrupted communications with Strategic
            Airlift Capability, an organisation that relies on NATO for assistance with humanitarian airlifts.

            “Computer as a Target” cybercrime like the one above, used to be a rare occurrence, as this type of
            attack required a high level of expertise and a number of actors working in tandem to execute. Now
            however, cybercriminals are collaborating, and setting up infrastructures and organisations that have all
            the hallmarks of legitimate companies, replete with marketing, administration, sales and human resource

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