Page 138 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 138

of every machine protected by a certificate and possibly answer additional questions on critical assets.
            Depending on the audit, significant fines could follow.

            A win-win

            In short, this is a job that has quickly become unmanageable for human security teams. Instead, they
            require a single, automated machine identity management solution to work across all cloud and container
            environments. It should automatically configure, renew and revoke certificates, delivering cross-cluster
            visibility to help teams check the status of machine identities and answer any auditor questions with
            confidence. Automated error displays down to the individual certificate-layer would enable them to easily
            click through and remediate – further enhancing overall security posture.

            With a control plane for managing machine identities, financial services security teams can have the
            peace-of-mind that complex cloud environments will remain secure, even as they continue to evolve. And
            both they and developer teams will have more time to work on higher value tasks to support the business.
            That’s a win-win all round.

            About the Author

            Sitaram Iyer is Senior Director of Cloud Native Solutions at Venafi.  He
            believes  security  should  be  one  of  the  primary  considerations
            organizations  make  as  they  make  their  cloud  native  journey.  With  a
            plethora of cloud native technologies out there, it is critically important
            to  empower  developers  and  platform  teams  with  services  that  allow
            them    to   build   and   deploy    applications   more    securely.

            Building a zero-trust model as you adopt strategies to use Kubernetes
            and service meshes can be challenging. At Venafi, we understand this
            and  work  with  large  enterprises  who  are  looking  to  address  these

            Sitaram can be reached online at LinkedIn and at our company website

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