Page 148 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
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3. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

            MFA requires users to provide two or more forms of authentication before they can access resources,
            such as a password and a biometric scan. This can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access,
            as attackers must compromise multiple factors to gain access. For example, health care organizations
            can use MFA to ensure only authorized personnel can access sensitive data and systems, reducing the
            risk of data breaches or theft.

            4. Privileged Access Management

            Privileged access management (PAM) is the process of managing and restricting access to accounts
            with elevated admission to sensitive data and systems, such as administrator accounts. PAM can help
            health care organizations verify only authorized staff use privileged accounts and are routinely reviewed
            and watched for unusual activities. Health care companies can also use it to limit access to sensitive
            information and systems to those employees who need it to perform their jobs.

            5. Continuous Monitoring and Analytics

            IAM solutions can enable health care organizations to monitor user activity continuously and manage
            access  permissions  in  real-time.  This  can  help  organizations  detect  and  respond  to  insider  threats
            quickly. For example, health care organizations can use analytics to monitor user behavior and identify
            anomalies, such as accessing data outside their regular working hours or attempting to access resources
            they are not authorized to others.

            Eliminate Insider Threats in Health Care

            Identity and access management solutions can effectively mitigate these threats by controlling access to
            data  and  systems,  managing  identities  and  monitoring  user  activity  in  real-time.  By  implementing  a
            comprehensive IAM framework, health care organizations can significantly reduce the risk of insider
            threats and safeguard sensitive patient data and systems.

            About the Author

            Zac Amos is the Features Editor at ReHack, where he covers cybersecurity and
            the tech industry. For more of his content, follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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