Page 72 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 72

Firewalls Aren’t Enough to Protect Against

             Evolving Cyber Threats

             By Pat McGarry, CTO, ThreatBlockr

            The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recently added 66 vulnerabilities to its list
            of known exploited security holes, including a WatchGuard firewall vulnerability exploited in attacks linked
            to a Russian state-sponsored threat actor. CISA’s call to patch this vulnerability follows on the heels of
            last  year’s  Colonial  Pipeline  attack,  as  well  as  other  cybersecurity  incidents  where  firewalls  were
            breached. Whether the threat came in through the front door or not, every successful cyberattack has
            breached a firewall at some point.

            There’s no denying that cybercriminals are growing increasingly sophisticated – just look at the headlines
            from  recent  years.  Unfortunately,  despite  industry  innovation  and  government  guidance,  what
            organizations are doing to protect themselves has largely remained the same. We’re seeing it more and
            more:  Firewalls  are  becoming  antiquated  when compared to  the  sophisticated technologies  used  by
            cybercriminals. It’s high time for organizations to acknowledge the firewall gaps and take steps to build
            more robust cybersecurity defenses.

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