Page 74 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 74

As  cybercriminals  become  increasingly  sophisticated  and  their  attack  vectors  evolve,  we  must  too.
            Organizations can no longer protect against real-time data threats with an approach based on reactive
            legacy solutions. To keep pace with the cyber threats of today and tomorrow, organizations need real-
            time threat intelligence from multiple sources and automated protection to defend their network in every

            About the Author

            Pat McGarry has more than 25 years of hands-on experience
            in  all  aspects  of  hardware  and  software  development,  to
            include   iterative   requirements   analysis,   architecture,
            engineering, test, managerial, and leadership roles. His skills
            have been brought to bear across a wide variety of technology-
            related  disciplines  including  embedded  systems  design,
            network  systems  analysis  and  design,  advanced  network
            testing,  cybersecurity,  deployable  machine  learning  and
            artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data, advanced data
            analytics,  and  high-performance  heterogeneous  computing.
            He has been granted three US patents and has spoken at a
            variety  of  user  and  industry  conferences.  He  received
            bachelor’s  degrees  in  Computer  Science  (BSCS,  ’93)  and
            Electrical Engineering (BSEE, ’94) along with a minor in Mathematics, all from Virginia Tech.

            Pat can be found on LinkedIn and on the ThreatBlockr website at

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