Page 68 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
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About the Author

            Charlie  Miller,  Senior  Advisor,  Shared  Assessments,  CTPRP,
            Distinguished Ponemon Fellow - Charlie is a frequent speaker and a
            recognized expert in Third-Party Risk. His key responsibilities include
            expanding  the  Shared  Assessments  Third-Party  Risk  Management
            membership-driven program, facilitating thought leadership, industry
            vertical  strategy  groups,  continuous  monitoring  /  operational
            technology working groups, and IoT research studies.

            He joined Shared Assessments in 2015 and has been in the third-party
            risk space for over 15 years.  He has vast industry experience, having
            set  up  and  led  third-party  risk  management  and  financial  services
            initiatives for several global companies.

            Charlie was the Director of Vendor and Business Partner Risk Management at AIG and implemented
            third-party risk management programs at Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi (BTMU).  He held multiple leadership
            roles at Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. overseeing the company’s global vendor management program and a
            Director of Technology Audit. He led a financial services practice unit as a consulting partner at Deloitte,
            focusing on technology outsourcing, risk management, and cost control.  He began his career at IBM as
            a systems engineer.

            Charlie is a Distinguished Fellow of the Ponemon Institute, a Certified International Privacy Professional,
            and Certified Third-Party Risk Professional.

            Connect with Charlie via email or through LinkedIn, and at

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