Page 56 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 56

Feeling Beleaguered? 3 Practical Steps

              for Cybersecurity Mastery

              By Tim Liu, Co-Founder & CTO, Hillstone Networks

            Cybersecurity  may  seem  an  unending  challenge,  with  new  vulnerabilities,  attacks  and  breaches
            announced almost daily. With all the loud headlines, and the potentially large financial and professional
            impacts of a breach or other attack, it’s easy for CISOs to feel a bit beleaguered.

            Ransomware, for example, doubled in 2021 according to Verizon’s  2021 Data Breach Investigations
            Report.  Most industries have come under attack, including education, retail, government, manufacturing,
            energy, healthcare, and financial services, among others. A notable development in 2021 was the rise of
            supply-chain attacks like the Kaseya incident, which impacted at least 1,500 customers.

            Data  breaches,  while  often  a  component  of  a  ransomware  attack,  also  occur  separately.  Like
            ransomware,  breaches  have  increased  markedly  in  recent  years.  According  to  the  Identity  Theft
            Resource Center, in the U.S. alone, data breaches through September 30 were up by 27% over the same
            period in 2020.

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