Page 53 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 53

AI/ML  Powered  Risk  Modeling:  A  Decision-Making


            By AJ Sarkar, Founder and CEO of

            A company’s C-suite and directors assess cyber threats based on the potential impact on  high-level
            business objectives. How will a particular attack impact year-over-year growth? Client experience and
            trust? Company reputation? An anticipated expansion or product launch?

            The  information  security  operations  team,  on  the  other  hand,  needs  technical  details  to  execute  an
            effective tactical defense, hold the hackers at bay, and minimize damage.

            In  the  middle,  CISOs  assess  vulnerabilities  within  network  segmentation,  architecture,  governance,
            operations  and  processes.  They  watch  for  threats  and  work  with  their  counterparts  throughout  the
            business  to  stop  impacts  from  rippling  across  the  organization.  This  requires  effective,  efficient
            communication across the enterprise – with info-sec ops, business unit leaders, and the CEO, CFO, CIO,
            CCO, and CRO, among others.

            These stakeholders, of course, assess the same situation through different perspectives, with different
            responsibilities, objectives, jargon, and success metrics. They need a common language to communicate
            about threats and ensure the implications — for supply chains, customer experience, operations, financial
            performance, data privacy compliance and more – are understood and managed effectively.

            Until recently, there has been no common language for managing risk across the organization, let alone
            up to the board. Limitations in the effectiveness of risk monitoring, quantification and benchmarking have
            only exacerbated the problem.

            Flying Blind

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