Page 51 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
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“Impeccable  cyber  security  hygiene  is  therefore  crucial  for  companies  looking  to  purchase  cyber
            insurance cover. Not only does it open up capacity availability, it also helps provide more favourable
            pricing and terms.”

            Or, as the Insurance Council of Australia puts it: “Capabilities that indicate a strong risk management and
            security  culture  may,  for  instance,  include  internal  data  handling  and  internet  usage  policies  for  all
            employees across the business, adequate prevention, detection, and response security capabilities and
            internal  data  breach  incident  response  plans.  Guidance  and  resources  that  support  businesses,
            especially  small  businesses,  to  protect  themselves  against  cyber  threats  can  strengthen  risk
            management and security practices.”

            This isn’t a set-and-forget proposition, either. In many cases, insurers will reassess their policies every
            12  months,  so  even  after  you  use  your  organisation’s  preparedness  to  get  a  good  deal  on  cyber
            insurance, you’ll need to ensure you maintain those high standards and keep the proper procedures in

            Then again, why wouldn’t you? Cyber insurance is not, in and of itself, a cybersecurity strategy, and no
            matter how low your premium is and how great the terms of your coverage are, it should only be used as
            a last resort. The best response to a breach is still to avoid being breached at all.

            At the end of the day, if your business never has to make a cybersecurity claim, it’ll be a win for your
            insurer – but it’ll be a win for you and your clients and customers, too.

            With its unique three-key encryption technology,  Cryptoloc is the world’s safest cybersecurity platform.
            To show you take data management seriously, visit

            About the Author

            Jamie  Wilson  is  the  founder  and  chairman  of  Cryptoloc,
            recognized  by  Forbes  as  one  of  the  20  Best  Cybersecurity
            Startups  to  watch  in  2020.  Headquartered  in  Brisbane,
            Australia, with offices in Japan, US, South Africa and the UK,
            Cryptoloc  have  developed  the  world’s  strongest  encryption
            technology  and  the  world’s  safest  cybersecurity  platform,
            ensuring clients have complete control over their data. Jamie
            can  be  reached  online  at
            07424a68 and at

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