Page 40 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
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take advantage of these services. As it turns out, CSPs are perfectly positioned to provide cybersecurity
            services that can meet all the requirements of their customers.

            CSPs can integrate cybersecurity services into their network infrastructure and use the tools that they
            already have for fast, widespread provisioning of services. When the solution sits in the network, as
            opposed to the customers end device, it can block attacks before they reach and affect the device.
            Network-based also means that the service can be ‘zero-touch’. In other words, people are protected
            without having to do anything: No downloading, no installation, no configuration necessary. A CSP’s
            customer can simply say yes and the service is activated. But if those aren’t good enough reasons for a
            CSP to consider offering cybersecurity services, they might be encouraged by the potential of generating
            recurring revenue from a service that has proven to be wildly popular with consumers when it is made
            available to them by their CSP.

            At Allot, we have seen upwards of 50% uptake on network-based cybersecurity services offered by CSPs.
            With numbers like that, not only can a CSP differentiate their brand as a security provider, they can also
            earn  a  significant  amount  of  supplemental  revenue  with  cybersecurity  service  offerings  to  consumer
            mobile customers and home network customers. With solutions that offer 360 degree protection, A CSP
            can offer a comprehensive service that protects customers where ever they are and on any device. That
            could be an important step toward eliminating cyber threats in the consumer market.

            About the Author

            Barry Spielman is the Director of Security Product Marketing at Allot.
            Prior  to  joining  the  Allot  team  Barry  held  marketing  management
            positions at networking and cybersecurity companies including Sixgill,
            Verint and Gilat Satellite Networks. He holds a BA in Political Science
            from Bar Ilan University, an MA in International Relations from George
            Washington University and an MSM in Business Administration from
            Boston University.

            Barry  can  be  reached  online  at  ([email protected])  and  at  our
            company website

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