Page 39 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 39

criminals. But crime fighting is not the most effective way to combat cybercrime. It would be far more
            effective to find a way to block the criminals before their attacks reach their targets. Now, you might say
            that these methods have been around for years. But if they were effective, wouldn’t the cost of cybercrime
            be dropping?

            The truth is that cybersecurity solutions for regular people are missing an element that causes them to
            be far less effective than they need to be. It’s not that they are lacking in technology standards or features.
            There are many consumer cybersecurity solutions that are very good at what they do. The problem is
            that people either don’t use them properly, or don’t use them at all. It’s hard to pinpoint why that is exactly.
            But it probably lies somewhere between the fact that people are just busy with their lives and don’t get
            around to cybersecurity tasks and the fact that there are so many options available that people don’t
            know which ones are reliable.

            When it comes to cybersecurity solutions for large enterprises, no expense is spared. There are teams
            of professionals using an array of advanced tools to block, isolate, eliminate and prevent infections and
            attacks.  Meanwhile,  as  robust  and  effective  as  consumer  tools  for  cybersecurity  might  be,  the  vast
            majority of consumers lack the skills and even the basic knowledge to protect themselves properly, even
            with a wide selection of available tools. What’s more, regular people need to be protected from infection
            and  attacks  when  they  are  connected  to  their  mobile  networks,  in  their  home  networks  and  when
            connected to guest Wi-Fi networks. They need to protect all their devices, all of the time.

            One  particular  vulnerability  comes  from  IoT  devices  in  people’s  homes.  The  number  of  IoT  devices
            ranging  from  home  appliances,  to  surveillance  devices  and  home  automation,  is  skyrocketing.  Each
            device acts as an open door for cybercriminals to invade people’s home network. With limited CPU and
            memory, most IoT devices are designed with little or no capacity for security measures. Since passwords
            are often left as the default, if there are passwords at all, IoT devices make easy entry points into the
            network,  giving  cybercriminals  access  to  personal  data  and  other  digital  assets.  These  and  other
            vulnerabilities leave consumers wide open to attacks and infections.

            That doesn’t mean that regular people are not interested in protecting themselves. In a recent survey by
            Allot and Coleman Parkes Research, consumers expressed concern with virus infection (62%), loss of
            privacy (59%), loss of sensitive data (59%), phishing attacks (51%) and other consequences of cyber
            threats. In fact, they responded that they would, on average, be willing to pay $4.74 per month for a
            comprehensive  cybersecurity  service  provided  by  their  CSP.  However,  in  North  America,  53%  of
            respondents said that they were not investing in securing their Internet-connected devices because they
            did not know how to do it. In other words, consumers are concerned about cyber threats, and they are
            willing to pay to be protected as long as it is easy.

            In the same survey, 90% of respondents globally said that they believed that their internet provider should
            also provide the security to protect them when they use the Internet. In fact, 68% said they would switch
            providers to be on a more secure network. This raises the question: Where should consumers get their
            cybersecurity protection?

            Based  on the responses  of  consumers,  there  is  good reason  to  believe  that  communication service
            providers can provide cybersecurity protection services that their customers will trust enough to subscribe
            and use. This can be the case as long as the price is right and subscribers do not have to do much to

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