Page 38 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 38

It’s  time  for  Internet  Providers  to  Become

            Primary Security Providers

            Consumers want cybersecurity protection, and they consider their CSPs as potential partners

            By Barry Spielman, Director of Product Marketing, Allot

            Most  people  are  utterly  unprepared  for  cyberattacks.  Most  people  will  be  affected  by  cyberattacks.
            Fortunately, most people have the potential to thwart many or most of the cyberattacks that target them.
            The  problem  is  that  they  don’t  yet  know  about  the  defensive  weapons  that  are  starting  to  become
            available from the very vehicle that brings cyberattacks to their devices. I am, of course, referring to
            communication  service  providers,  or  CSPs.  The  telecom  carriers  and  Internet  providers  who  bring
            connectivity to your home, office and right to your fingertips when you’re on the go are the perfect solution
            providers  for  the  ubiquitous  cyber  threats  that  are  increasingly  plaguing  businesses  and  individuals
            around the globe.

            With the cost of cybercrime, according to one estimate, expected to rise to $10.5 trillion USD annually by

            2025, compared with $6 trillion USD in 2021, there is no real way for crime fighters to outspend the cyber

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