Page 75 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 75

BlackBox EncryptTight

EncrypTight: the faster, easier-to-manage way to secure your Layer 4 encryption
data. Layer 4 encryption leaves Layer 3 headers intact, making it
possible to troubleshoot a network without turning off
• No tunnels� encryption. Because headers are intact, data looks unencrypted,
• Improve security without impacting performance. making it possible to use within countries that restrict encrypted
• Works on the Internet or on private WANs. data.
• Security management with drag-and-drop simplicity.
• Can be administered from a single location. Central management
• Works with all kinds of network traffic, including VoIP and Manage all your EncrypTight appliances with EncrypTight
video. Manager Software. The simple drag-and-drop interface scales
• Eliminate time-consuming and complex VPN tunnels. seamlessly and enables you to set encryption policies based on
• No delays, no jitter, no latency. IP addresses, port numbers, protocol IDs, or VLAN tags. You
can quickly change policies across the entire WAN without
EncrypTight™ overcomes the limitations associated with IPsec interrupting network traffic.
VPN tunnels. It brings you air-tight encryption across any
WAN�—even the Internet—without the hassle of setting up a Powerful Compliance, Seemless Scalability
VPN tunnel for each connection. EncrypTight helps you comply with HIPAA, HITECH, PCI, or
other industry or government data-protection standards.
Break out of the tunnel EncrypTight offers AES 256-bit encryption. Plus, its logging and
EncrypTight eliminates the need to establish point-to-point auditing functions help you save and organize the records
tunnels between each pair of remote sites, freeing network required by many of these standards, reducing the scope of
administrators for other tasks. With EncrypTight, every network audits with thorough recordkeeping. Also, because there are
on your WAN can establish an instant encrypted connection to no tunnels to set up, it's easy to deploy EncrypTight across large
every other network equipped with an EncrypTight appliance. WANs, making it an extremely scalable solution.
�Most Innovative End-to-End
Encryption Solution for 2014� - CDM

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