Page 74 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 74


Data security is one of the top barriers to cloud adoption. platform while managing data encryption from a single security
Whether it be to address regulatory compliance requirements management plane. This affords customer the flexibility to
such as HIPAA or PCI DSS, to protect against unauthorized embrace a multi-cloud strategy including AWS, Microsoft
third party access to sensitive data or concerns of data Azure, VMware vClouds as well as private clouds with the
remanence, AFORE CloudLink® Secure VSA addresses these confidence their data is secured no matter where it resides.
needs by encrypting mission-critical data in motion and at rest
across private, hybrid and multi-tenant public clouds. CloudLink extends organizations complete and sole control over
CloudLink provides a software-defined storage encryption layer the encryption keys and leverages leading key management
between virtual machines and physical storage securing sensitive solutions such as Microsoft AD and RSA DPM to encrypt
application data thereby enabling customers to embrace the sensitive data in private, hybrid and multi-tenant public clouds.
cloud with confidence. Per-tenant encryption key control protects against unauthorized
third party access to sensitive data whether that be cyber
Typical cloud storage gateway products simply treat cloud attackers, cloud administrators or cyber surveillance risks.
storage as an object repository for backup and archiving and do
not address the need to protect active data stores for the virtual About AFORE
machine (VM) workloads in the cloud environment. Most data Since its inception in 2003, AFORE has been winning industry
at rest encryption solutions require deployment of an agent in accolades and awards for its networking, virtualization and
the guest VM or rely on the encryption capabilities of SAN cloud infrastructure technology solutions and custom
switches or arrays. By adopting an agentless, virtual storage development services. Headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, with
encryption approach, CloudLink Secure VSA significantly operations in the USA and Europe, AFORE focuses on delivering
reduces operating costs and management complexity while innovative technology to Enterprises and Service Providers that
protecting existing storage investment. will give them complete control over security of data in
virtualized/Cloud environments and increased visibility and
CloudLink offers unique capabilities whereby customers can performance management of their cloud resources and services.
deploy application workloads across a hybrid cloud architecture
that spans geography, service provider and cloud technology �The Best Cloud Security Product for 2014 � - CDM

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