Page 73 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 73

Access Data CIRT Platform

Currently, organizations are unable to be proactive in regards understand how the exploit proliferated. Drill down into affected
to critical threats. This is because most are relaying on a broad machines to analyze behavior at the host level.
range of disparate security products, most of which are signature
based and focus on prevention. What Can You Do with Cyber Intelligence & Response
The fact is, when an entity has compromised your system and
is running in stealth on the network; no signature based ● Detect Unknown Threats and Data Leakage
technology is going to help. The only method to detect, ● Continuous Monitoring
understand and remediate these threats is to employ a solution ● Auto-respond to Third-Party Alerts
that provides visibility from multiple vantage points, such as ● PCI Compliance
what is happening at the host (static and volatile, as well as what ● Multi-team Collaboration and Real-Time Incident
is happening on the network). Management

● Malware Disassembly Analysis – No Sandbox Required
Our answer to this issue is CIRT (Cyber Intelligence and
● Gather Cyber Intelligence
Response Technology), which is the only solution in the market
● Root Cause Analysis
to integrate network forensics, host forensics and large scale data
● Remediate
audit within a single interface.
About AccessData
Using, CIRT, you can proactively and reactively identify, analyze
AccessData Group has pioneered digital investigations and
and remediate security incidents of any kind, including zero day
litigation support for more than twenty years and is the maker
events, hacking, data spillage and advanced persistent threats
of the industry-standard computer forensics technology, FTK,
(APT�s). CIRT allows you to scan thousands of computers
as well as the leading legal review technology, Summation.
across the enterprise to identify rogue executable existing on
your network. Perform root cause analysis efficiently by
�Most Innovative Cyber Intelligence
correlating network and host data within a single dash board.
and Forensics Solution for 2014� - CDM
During analysis, you can replay incidents in real time to fully

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